Page name: GO KILL YOURSELF [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-21 17:17:03
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Before you make any comment, before you come in there and tell me I suck, read the whole fucking thing. I'm really getting sick ofpeople coming in here and saying I'm a jackass,and I'm an asshole, when they don't even know what it is I'm talking about, because they haven't read the entire thing.


I do not give a flying fuck what you think about what I've written. In the last week, I've had two seprate youngins that somewhat fit the following description
message me, and tell me how wrong I am, or how stupid I am for my point of view. If you don't like it, FUCK OFF. I don't give a rats ass if you care or not. What's even funnier is that both of these youngins that have messaged me, didn't even know what they were talking about. Do I think that all 13-15 year old kids are depressed? No. Do I think that all kids that listen to Linkin Park and Evanesence are depressed? No. Do I have something against depressed people? No. I have something against kids that act like they're depressed because they think it's cool. Because they want people to pity them. Because they're too fuckin stupid to realize that life is not about the latest fucking band or acting cool.

The ones that don't seem to realize that they're just a bunch of fucking corprate tools that shop at Hot Topic and claim that they are "unique."

I hate to tell you, but you are not unique. You're fucking corprate tools. What is Hot Topic? A corperation. I don't wanna hear no shit about how you're a fucking individual. Grow up.

Now that it's been said, everything below is exactly as this wiki was and should be. Don't like it? Don't message me about it.
I don't give a fuck.
Kiss my ass, go to hell, or whatever else you would rather do.

*NEW* (26/26/05)*
You know, I was thinking about it earlier, and although music does play a huge part nin most of our lives, we are not the music we listen to. We are not defined by the bands we like.We as a people seem to put too much emphasis on the bands we listen to when forming relationships with other people... asif it's the only thing, we as human beings, should have in common with one another. I dont really think the music we listen to should dictate the rest of our behaviors. Thats what's wrong with this entire "goth/punk/emo" thing right now. You can ony be goth if you listen to the bands other goth kids listen to... or if you listen to punk bands, then you're only hardcore if you listen to bands nobody else has heard of.... it's pathetic really.... and it's only getting worse.

I finally realized the one thing that I hate worse than Wiggers! I absolutely, positiely and utterly LOATHE 13-15 year old kids that think it's "Cool" to be depressed. I've been browsing the random online members of this site, and unfortunately, about half the ones I found fit this category. We all know the type. They're like fourteen, and listen to Linkin Park, and Evanesence and think they're all goth, and spooky and shit. They talk about being suicidal because they think other people actually give a flying fuck what happens to them. They're the same kids that scream "accept me! accept me! accept me!" to the Ambercrombie and Fitch wearing crowd, but then scream about how much they hate preppies, ect. Just let me run into one of them in a dark alley, that is, if they weren't too scared to be alone in the dark.


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[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Lol...ok...that's pretty cool...

[The Right]: it was pretty

[popeyethecat]: Haha, I used to be a bit like this *shame shame shame shame shame* (Though I wasn't ever suicidal). I'm a happy little sod now! o.o And aren't wiggers...white people pretending to be black? Or was that another funny word? I can't remember. I like your wiki, it is fun.

[The Right]: yes.... that would be what a wigger is..... \

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Yea.....ew >_<

[AbLam]: Sorry I was gone for a

[Lethargic Panda]: For what? o.o

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Welcome back too ^_^

[AbLam]: I had a tune-up type thing. I have this genetic disease called cystic fibrosis, and I needed some work on clearing out me lungs.

[Lethargic Panda]: How fun for you. x.x

[The Right]: wow. \

[AbLam]: It's seriously not that bad, it seems worse it you don't have it.

[AbLam]: Was it just me, or did [Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..] erase many of her postings so as not to sound as stupid as she really was?

[Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: No. Btw..I've kind of thought about this wiki..And I agree with it. Slightly.

[AbLam]: Hmm...well someone did. (Erase it).

[Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: Nothing to do with me..I've only just come back on to look at this wiki, cause I got bored. Haven't been on since that last posting I did ages ago..

[Lethargic Panda]: How'd you notice her erasing past comments? And she edited the wiki, then reedited it, returning it to normal, because she's not only stupid, but a coward too. x.x

[girl. interrupted.]: What the hell you guys? [Lethargic Panda], lay off. It's not that big a deal.

[Lethargic Panda]: I was referring to the wiki itself, and not her comments in the comment box; that served no purpose. She deserves everything she gets.

[girl. interrupted.]: ??? Did [Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..] take over the wiki?

[AbLam]: I just noticed that the comments were gone...but whatever! Moving on to a new generation!

[Lethargic Panda]: No, [Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..] is a random preteen girl who falls into the category people this wiki dislikes. Aside from being immature and generally annoying, she's your stereotypical child.

[The Right]: so we waste our tome wrrying about it becasue?????  ASfter the frist comment or tow, we should lose interest and not care. Or ate last usually that's what I do

[Lethargic Panda]: Are you stoned? >.>

[AbLam]: It's fun to retort! Thumbs up for retorting.

[The Right]: nah.... just really fucking tired. I haven't smoked in like a week or so

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: *hands her some stuff* Have fun ^_^

[AbLam]: You know, you'd think that you would be more tired if had smoked this week, but ....

[Lethargic Panda]: ...I wouldn't. o.O

[The Right]: actually, I don't smoke too often anymore really. I used to be really into it when I was in shcool, and even before I got pregnant, but once I got pregnant, I had to wuit everythingcold turkey. lol so now it's actually quite occasional.

[AbLam]: Wasn't it tough since you are 19?(to have a kid).

[The Right]: eh, not as tough as you would think. I've been on my own since 15, so I' was a little more grown up than most peopl e my age anyway

[AbLam]: Oh've been on your own since you were 15? Why?

[The Right]: Now, that's my buisness, isn't it (not to be rude, I just don't want everyone to know about it all)

[AbLam]: No problemo. Anyways...

[The Right]: *eats icecream*

[Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: Hm. I didn't edit it. I clicked on that button: 'Edit this page' then clicked off it..And it would be amazing if you realised I do not dislike this wiki.

[AbLam]: Yeah, it would beacuse from your less-than-enthusiastic commentary...

[Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: Just to let [Lethargic Panda] know..I'm 12 years old. I'm supposed to be immature.

[The Right]: then go find n immature wiki. jesus. We don't care. wuit coming in here and annoying us.

[AbLam]: We're all immature-you were being bitchy. So we acted bitchy right back.

[Lethargic Panda]: If you simply clicked 'edit this page' and clicked off, it would have done nothing; you have to click 'submit changes to this page' for it to say you've editted it. Add that to the fact that you clearly added "Twat Twat Twat Twat." to the bottom, and then removed it, makes you a wiki messer. *agrees with Right* Go find a nice wiki for the kiddies.

[AbLam]: Twat Twat Twat Twat? HehHehHeh....You guys are all Twats. jeesh. :P

[girl. interrupted.]: Wow...everyone needs a big handful of Prozac. Calm down kiddies, it's this isn't that big a deal. We're on the internet remember? We don't even really know eachother.

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Well, some of us actually do. But besides that...I still don't think anyone under 13 should be allowed to be on the internet.

[AbLam]: Why? Not everyone is like [Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]'s not a big deal anyways.

[AbLam]: TwatTwatTwatTwatTwatTwatTwat... I like that word. Thanks [Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]...twatwatwattwat.

[Lethargic Panda]: Most people that age are.

[AbLam]: Twat Twat when I was that age I wasn't Twattwattwattwattwattwat...okay I'll stop now.


[Lethargic Panda]: Sigh.

[The Right]: I haven't heard that word since I was.... 12..... lmfao

[AbLam]: Well I didn't act like that when I was...12...

[AbLam]: Whoa..the words are gooone! :'( cries.

[Lethargic Panda]: That word was never entertaining.

[AbLam]: No no, all the words. Okay whatever. Moving on.

[hercules the legend]: Cool wiki. And I agree with it.

[mutant virago]: I love the word 'twat', XD. I always pronounced it "twot" and my British friend told me it rhymed with "hat", instead. Whoops. Twot sounds better anyway. :P

[Lethargic Panda]: ...It does. o.o Twat is just an overused word.

[AbLam]: Twat rhymes with hat? Nooo! I thought it was 'twot' as well.

[mutant virago]: I know! Apparently it rhymed with "hat". haha, he never let that one go; he's contstantly teasing me for it. XD

[AbLam]: Aww, I have an awesome friend from Britain too, but I wish she lived here.

[The Right]: hmmmm.... I always heard it as "twot" too... oh well.

[Lethargic Panda]: o.o I've always heard it as 'twat.' >.>

[AbLam]: Twat Twot Twatt...they're all the same anyways. Moving on.

[The Right]: yes.... it is about time we talk about something other than one of the most notorious body cavities.


[The Axe Effect]: Ach... What's wrong with body cavities then?

[taking back sunday]: hiya guys whats up?

[The Right]: nothing particularly wrong with bodily cavities, just.... you get sick of hearing about them constantly after a while

[hercules the legend]: what's body cavities??

[The Axe Effect]: It's the 'holowness' you get to put other bodyparts in.

[AbLam]: So a twat is a body cavity?

[The Right]: yes. yes it is.

[AbLam]: *makes note* Okay, my interesting fact for the day.

[a vamp named spaz]: ..hahaha....

[AbLam]: Uh..yeah..sooooo bears. Big, Hairy. Go RAWR.

[hercules the legend]: same here

[The Right]: I don't rawr. unless I'm really bored or really high... in which case I may rawr every once in a while. I usually just Gur.

[The Axe Effect]: You know... You guys are really losing it. You used to be SOOOO funny, but since the ever amusing Schneider the hard-working assistant is away you just... Ramble, I guess

[AbLam]: Well, then, [The Axe Effect], introduce something interesting that we can start a decent conversation about...then you'll be maknig a point. Right now you're just...rambling, I guess. ^_^

[The Right]: lol. It could be worse.... we could all be crackwhores.....

[Lethargic Panda]: Speak for yourself, Right. >.>

[hercules the legend]: lol or we could all just be...... blah......... *dies*

[AbLam]: Okay, then, well. Hmm. Well. Sailed on every ocean, sailed on every sea, every port and shanty town was scared of me, sailed with all the great ones, all across the grid, but none was closer to me heart than good old Cap'n Kidd! Ask Cap'n Barnaby for he was there about, while I was in the crow's nest standing tall and stout, flying round the poop deck up to the tallest mast, ask Cap'n Barnaby, he'll tell ye bout me past! You tell 'er, Cap'n Barnaby!

[Lethargic Panda]: You said poop. *falls over giggling*

[AbLam]: That's all you can think of at a time like this???

[Lethargic Panda]: I can think of lots of things...and what about you? What's your excuse? Singin' jolly ol' tunes, during an incident of this magnitude?

[AbLam]: It's from a play!! IT'S IMPORTANT DAMN!

[Lethargic Panda]: No, important damn would be something like this:...Google image search brought up odd results. o.O

[AbLam]: Ooh, I think I'll go check,.

[Lethargic Panda]: Will you? *leer*


[Yiwerra]: i think you're stalking me.

[Lethargic Panda]: Everyone stalks Ina.

[Yiwerra]: noone stalk me *is sad*

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Don't be sad!! *commands*

[Yiwerra]: *comments* :)

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Happily?

[Yiwerra]: yes!

[Lethargic Panda]: Good, then. :D *has completed journey*

[Yiwerra]: ^_________^  that's great

[Lethargic Panda]: *poke* It is. about the cake?

[Yiwerra]: wasn't that on the ... page you claimed?

[Lethargic Panda]: It was...but...we can discuss it...everywhere. !!

[Yiwerra]: oh :O  ok

[Lethargic Panda]: *pokes lots* What...shall we discuss...then?

[Yiwerra]: i am so blank, i don't klnow

[Lethargic Panda]: *pats* Hmm. Lets talk

[The Right]: hmmmmm...... I'm a musical werido.

[Lethargic Panda]: How so?

[The Right]: I donno..... although.... while I'm thinkin of it.... I do have a somewhat eclectic collection of cds, tapes an vinyl.

[Lethargic Panda]: Vinyl is cool. ^.^ What's...the you have?

[AbLam]: Yeah, geeez [Yiwerra], are you stalking me or something?? ^^ We must have very similar opinions, n'est-ce pas?

[The Right]: honestly? I've got everything from slayer, to madonna, to anne murray and buddy holly.

[Lethargic Panda]: Not that odd. o.o

[The Right]: well.... as compared to most people I know anyway.

[Yiwerra]: then you know idiots.

[Yiwerra]: OMG [AbLam] (what does your name mean anyway?), je ne sais pas, that can't be! i am not stalking you O_o but i start to wonder if you stalk me :O  *wonders if she knows the secret wikis*

[AbLam]: [AbLam] idea. I just made it up. It could be like Aslan from Narnia only you replace the S with a

[Lethargic Panda]: And the n with m. x.o Think the Narnia movie will be good?

[The Right]: quite possibly.

[Lethargic Panda]: It could just as easily be horribly terrible. >.>

[The Right]: this is also true.

[Lethargic Panda]: If they screw it up, we can direct our corporation toward destroying them. :D

[The Right]: hmmmmm now that would be worthwhile.

[Lethargic Panda]: Like most everything we do. How's Right's job?

[The Right]: Right quit her job. is moving again.

[Lethargic Panda]: Oooooh. Where to, now?

[AbLam]: I hated the books...but who knows...

[The Right]: back to where I grew up.... if all works out right (Burton Michigan)

[Yiwerra]: i see o.o

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Why'd you hate the books? o.o

[AbLam]: Because....I thought they were incredibly badly written, especially the last one.

[Lethargic Panda]: ...o.o I...see.

[AbLam]: They were, I tell you!

[Lethargic Panda]: Of course they were. *pats* <.<

[Yiwerra]: were they really? i just know the movies... watched them when i was little. so i shouldn't read it?

[AbLam]: You can if you might like them..I just didn't.

[Yiwerra]: hmm ok Oo  i see ..

[AbLam]: Well, I found them to be..preachy, Abby explained.

[The Right]: eh. It could be worse.... it could be those retarted Harry Potter movies.

[AbLam]: I didn't mind the last one..but the first tow were STUPID...and the fourth one is not likely to be much better, but I am seeing it anyways, being a Harry Potter fan..well of the 5th and 6th books, anyways!

[Lethargic Panda]: ...There are Narnia movies that were around when Ina was little? o.O And bah. Harry Potter annoys me deeply, and thus far, I've seen all released films, in the theater, by force. x.x

[AbLam]: I liked the 5th and 6th books, as I said. The other ones seemed to not be very important...

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Very that for us. o.o;

[AbLam]: I was very tired when I said that!

[Dil*]: Some good thoughts here, I still hate wiggers more though.

[AbLam]: Yup, who doesn't?

[Dil*]: they're infesting the planet.

[AbLam]: I KNOW! Today while I was registering for school I saw about ten of the little buggers travelling in a pack!

[Dil*]: I should write a dil rant :D

[AbLam]: Hmm?

[Dil*]: about wiggers and how annoying they are.

[Lethargic Panda]: could misappropriate the funds.

[AbLam]: Wow. I am totally lost...I wish some kid would come on here and whine about how heartless we are.

[Lethargic Panda]: (I was trying to get Dil fired, so Schneider could move up in the business; it's not nearly as devious when explained. I hope you're happy with yourself.)

[AbLam]: UGH! I'm sor-ry...pouts.

[Melanoma Red]: someone whined about how heartless i was b4 my argument was considerably better it was similar to this but happened long before i found this wiki

[The Right]: we actually get the annoying little fucks in here about once a month or so.... and they bitch an complain for a day or two, then eventually decide they've "outwitted" us, and go away.... it's quite annoying by now really.

[Lethargic Panda]: We could pelt them with firm produce!

[The Right]: hmmmm..... like..... oranges? lol

[Fall Out Boy lover]: u guys should all go kill yourself already.but kill me first.

[Yiwerra]: hey dirty dirty jew lover... what's the matter?

[AbLam]: He has a terrible lifem the poor kid. His parents only give him 50 bucks a week, for chrissake! He should just go slit his wrists..^^

[The Right]: I live in an entire town of kids like that at the moment..... god I wanna go back home where everyone's broke, so I don't have to deal with spoiled little punks everywhere I go.

[Yiwerra]: we shouldn't always start arguments. just for once. yes, he was offensive. what does it make better to be insulting too. it doesn't make us better, and it doesn't make us understand what his problem was anyway.

[Dil*]: Actually I frankly don't care for 'his' problem, most of these rich kids are just spoiled little brats who think they have the 'hard' life. Same with those wiggers, they pretend to be ghetto gangstas' but..they'd piss their pants if they saw a real gang. They think it's a great game to pretend to be poor or something, I think that's a mockery to actual poor people.

[Yiwerra]: actually i don't think you should put people in the same categories, everyone is still individual. and it causes nothing but argueing from the other side, because he will be like 'no, but don't compare me with THEM' and so on. who are you talking about anyway?

[AbLam]: Well, it is fun to argue, you must admit. Sometimes you just need to shut up and deal though. This guy sounds like he could be fun to argue know, if he actually answered.

[Dil*]: Quoted "Born an original, bred to be the same" unfortunately that rings true for alot of subcultures.

[AbLam]: Correction. Every subculture. No matter what anyone says, no one is dramatically different than the group that they are in.

[Dil*]: of course, unless you're hiding yourself...which I have to do a bit (unfortunately).

[AbLam]: Why??

[Dil*]: I just don't fit in and having friends is preferable to being a loner. Oh, but I've shown myself only to my closest, closest friends who are unfortunately older than me therefore they are gone next year (or this school year).

[Yiwerra]: well [AbLam], i know that argueing can be fun. like with [iippo] on sagas - because i know that we're both just exchanging arguments. but when that's not the case, and you just do it for fun to see what kind of arguments someone has, and you're simply only destructivly insulting (instead of constructively arguing), then it happens easily that one of you is much much weaker than the other one, both emotionally and in his arguments. and then he probably only argues with you at all, because he is hurt or it's a touchy subject for him. you again do it for fun. and the only reason i am saying all this is because i always was like that.

[Yiwerra]: until i got in the situation to be really really fucking hurt myself. and except i really hate someone, i try not to make so much fun of them. because i know how it feels, and why should i want someone to feel bad. also, in most arguments, both feel sort of bad, until they strike back and feel superior, and the other one feels bad. what the fuck IS all this for????? well i suppose i'm just a hippie wanting peace. but that's because peace is better

[AbLam]: Yup, peace is better, I agree..I yeah, I guess I was insulting him by calling him a wrist-slitter...I mean, he is part of this wikis too, as I just found out...I gues he was joking *is embarrassed*.

[Dil*]: Everyone has their problems, granted, some have more than others, but many of these people just make stuff up for attention. I have no pity for such people, I save my pity for people that actually have it bad.

[The Right]: that right there is the point I've been trying for the entire time I've had this wiki. Every time some moronic little punk IMs me saying I'm talking about them, or why I hate depressed people when I should be helping them.....

[Dil*]: bah. Depression is a mental disorder, take some damn pills or something. If you're too poor to go to a psychologist, then yes, you have a right to bitch.

[The Right]: although, there are some people who don't beleive in taking pills.... I happen to be one of them

[Dil*]: there's always the psychologist.

[Yiwerra]: yea right, that sounds like very tolerant speaking people who have experienced depressions. i understand that annoying people can drive you mad, but it's no reason to be like that. no, the psychologist and pills don't always help you. in most cases they don't, that is. and noone asks for pity (and if they do, why not just NOT talk to them), but for tolerance. like ... not bitching about THEM. and yea, people who aren't just depressed but are only looking for attention - they ARE annoying, and plenty of them are to be found on elftown. but can't we just leave each other alone, if we can't stand others? people who seek for attention are sad, they have their reasons, no matter if it annoys

[Yiwerra]: others or not. people who are uber cheerful with a britney spears smile are just as dumb. there are always people who are a pain in the ass. eventually, they will find themselves childish too, when they're out of that phase. and who knows, maybe YOU would have become that too, if you hadn't made the experience early enough that it's 'uncool'.

[The Right]: I don't know about all that..... I just get annoyed with it. that's what the wiki is about. I'm just.... discouraging it in my own little way. lol. It's not that I have a problem with people that are depressed, or young kids and whatnot.... I just get really annoyed when people sit there and tell me that their dog died and they want to slit their wrists because of it. If you want to end your life over something so trivial, be my guest, but don't come telling me about it and whining on for days about it and never do anything about it. Christ. If you're depressed, that's fine, but don't come looking to me for pity. I'm not one to hand it out freely. that's my entire point. that's why this wiki

[Dil*]: Same, I tolerate it, but don't expect my pity.

[The Right]: is here. it's basically a list of people that are fed up with it. Apparently this is something cool to do. Everyone has an opinion about it, yes, but honestly, I've always been fair enough not to go into their wikis and bitch about what they think. I just said my own peice and left it at that. I don't show up on the "Depressed people' wiki and bitch to them, but for some reason, they show up here to bitch at us. For all I care, most of these little punks can go and do exactly what they've been saying they want to do, because then there's just one less fuckin moron that doesn't value their life and therefore doesn't deserve it.

[Dil*]: good point.

[Yiwerra]: i take that as a random comment and not a reply to what i said, since it doesn't have much to do with it. all i said it that people should leave each other alone. yes, you have all right to hate them if they don't let you alone. what's the big deal about this? and i don't think they are punks, by the way.

[Dil*]: and they just said this is kind of our page, we don't go to their pages to bitch at them. So I would count that as 'leaving alone'. This page is our list of grievances.

[Yiwerra]: of course it is. i didn't come here to annoy you.

[AbLam]: This wiki is aimed at people who [pretend to be depressed because they think it is cool!] It's not aimed at people who are genuinely depressed. People don't seem to understand this, and that causes arguments. Some also 'defend' their cases by saying that they 'truly are depressed so damn u' or both at the same time. But this wiki is NOT taking a shot at DEPRESSED PEOPLE! There. I said it! I hope anyone else who comes here around now reads it. You know, if they are too stupid to read the main wiki itself, which most of them seem to be! BAH! Sorry, I am just REALLY tired of people saying that this wiki is taking a shot at people suffering of depression....>

[AbLam]: Because it is [NOT!!!!]

[Dil*]: besides, those who suffer depression aren't just goths, it affects everyone. This is a page for those 'gothic' idiots who pretend to be depressed.

[AbLam]: Exactly. *calms down*. But people can't seem to read the page, because we still get people on here who are like if you are depressed, you are depressed! You guys are shit! It's like, did you fucking read the wiki, page, which totally decimates your argument!

[Yiwerra]: were you just so angry at me, [AbLam]? O_o    i have been on this wiki for quite an eternity, and i read it all. and ALL I WAS WONDERING ABOUT was, if it wouldn't be nicer if just people could let anyone else live.  and by the way i don't really think there are people who pretend to be depressed because it's cool. i think those people are depressed somewhere deep inside them. if someone 'wants' to be something, then mostly because he IS that somewhere in himself. why this labeling? and everyone is in a childish phase someone else grew from, and so it will always be. why not let people make their own experiences to find out if it's the right way or not. for them.

[The Right]: I'm so tired of arguing about this. I'm about to just stop watching it and let someone else run the fuckin thing so I don't have to explain it a million times. lol

[AbLam]: I know that you read it, [Yiwerra]. It is just really frustrating that many peopel CAN NOT READ.

[Sagacious Turkey]: Poor doltish AbLam... does anyone really care what you have to say...?

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